2011년 12월 3일 토요일



Area : Reading
Rate : ★★★
Target : Middle and High school students

It is fun!
Let the akinator guess who you think!
Akinator, the Web Genius is an internet game based on Twenty Questions that can determine which character the player is thinking by asking him or her a series of questions. It is an Artificial Intelligence program that can find and learn the best questions to be asked to the player. Created by three French programmers in 2007, it became popular in November 2008, according to Google Trends. While playing "Akinator," the questions are asked by a genie. The game became famous in Europe in 2009 and Japan in 2010 with the launch of mobile apps by french mobile company SCIMOB,reaching highest ranks on app store.

In order to begin the questionnaire, the user must hit the play button and is then asked to input a user name, their age, and their gender. Then, it begins asking a series of 20 yes or no questions in order to narrow down the potential character that the user is thinking of.[3][4] If the answer is narrowed down to a single likely option before 20 questions are asked, the program will automatically ask if the characters is correct. If the character is guessed wrong three times in a row, then the program will prompt the user to input the character's name, in order to expand its database of choices

In my case, he never got wrong!
He answered all my favorite actors.

Wow, I like it!
But it is not that effective for English learning.
That's why my rate is low though it is very very fun.
However, it get their attention definitely!

Let your students try this web site!
And recommend them be friendly with it.
Then they should know expression that can describe people.

1)Learner fit
The language of the reading activities fit the learners in terms of level, topics and activities possibly. And the program provide a means of matching the learners to the appropriate level of language enough.
2)Vocabulary and grammar
The activities don't help learners focus on particular linguistic aspects of the reading.
3)Interaction with the computer
The activities provide opportunities for learners to interact with the computer by Genie in the ramp.
4)Interaction with other learners
The activities don't guide learners to work with classmates and contribute to online discussions. But we can plan to do with it offline by one computer.
5)Explicit language teaching
The activities provide explicit instruction to teach specific linguistic points found in the contexts but not texts. And it doesn't come with materials to help you preteach and develop follow-up activities.
6)Two types of evaluation
It can't provide feedback to learners. But it is kind of quizzes that can be solved if the learner answers correctly.
7)Strategy development

It may promote good language learning strategies. But learners can develop their reading ability by authentic needs.

How to use?

This amazing web site can help your class actively. But I recomment you to give your students homework based on this web site. Let your students choose one character and play with akinator. And allow them write about the character based on akinator. For example, "Wonbin is male and handsome". And share them with all the students. It will be good at both writing and reading.

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