2011년 12월 1일 목요일

Nut Hunt


Area : Vocabulary
Rate : ★★★★★
Target : Young kids

This game is a great way of learning autumn language and finding out about some of the changes that the creatures of the countryside experience during the course of the year.

Once you’ve finished playing the game, you can add some comments on what autumn is like in Korea and what you can collect in the countryside at this time of year before making an autumn box containing things you might find in your area in October and November.

Children can then search the internet for other autumn words and build up a picture dictionary or perhaps write a diary of some of the things they do in the autumn months.

Happy hunting!

1)Learner fit :
The vocabulary words fit the learners in terms of the topic ; autumn. And the students can see the need for learning the vocabulary words during the game to win. And the vocabulary words are chosen to match the students' levels of language. The level of the words are consistent.
2)Explicit vocabulary teaching :
The activities doesn't offer showing words previously.
3)Interaction with the computer :
The activities provide opportunity for interaction with the computer by a game that focuses students' attention on unfamiliar vocabulary. And the computer provide students with help understanding the vocabulary that they do not know by using games.
4)Interaction with other learners :
This game is for one user. But you can plan the activities for pairs or more. So the collaborative activities are available by your plans for it. And it could be helpful for developing their vocabulary abilities.
5)Two types of evaluation :
The activities provide feedback to learners about their responses immediately. And itself is the quizzes.
6)Strategy development :
They can use this game for other vocabularies offline by using flash cards. So this web can offer how to play flash cards game. Then we can say it is useful for strategy development.

How to use?

Refer the instruction above. I recommend you to do it in-class.

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